peachvers (aka methsnake) started this incredible post about the oceans being replaced by giant forests. It prompted many replies and a beautiful little comic by iguanamouth. It got people talking about the massive forests of the old world and the creatures that used to walk the earth. It’s a very inspiring post, which prompted people to ask her:
“Can i use your post about the ocean forests as a writing prompt/writing inspiration/drawing inspiration?” – Yes!! If you post any art/writing please tag it as #methsnake so that I can see it because I’m sure you’re very talented!!
Artist: iguanamouth
Seriously though… can god please rerelease the Old Forest again!?!
I’m working on a novel based on the premise; what if the Pleistocene megafauna extinction didn’t happen and the great forest of Europe, complete with such fauna, persisted into the historical period? It wouldn’t be the same as Pleistocene Europe, but it would be wondrous. Anybody want to contribute information or suggest ideas, please drop me a line–at least leave a comment for me. Thanks!
For people asking that the Old forest may return.
A movie about it? Great idea.
A video game? Even better.
An immersive VR experience or flat out simulation: yeeeeeeaaaaa
But IRL it would be terrifying.
Unless theese creatures carry deep ancient wisdom, valuing peace, collaboration, and exploreing above else.
Living without the need fmto kill, as from before Man’s fall from Grace.
Then you might get to ride on one of the ancient 900lb goats. And the elder rhino would appear when you need to build your tree top village, helping with large logs. After several geneartions even people grow larger and larger.
But the outside world wants to build a wall around the Forest, to protect themselves. They can’t trust the mighty beasts not to reign ruin on civilization. And they’ve also seen Jurasic Park enough times to know better.
But an intermediary helps both realize not each is better than the other, and coexsitence will bring prosperity.
Some will want to live in the Forest, others in the City and fields.
So then it won’t be strange to find mega Oxes ploughing fields, because they chose the open view of the farm life. And the giga Sloths going for a stroll on a near mountain.
Could God re-release the Old Forrests? Would that it could be so. But He has given dominion over the Earth unto Man, and man has tamed it. Made it safe. Comfortable. There are dangers still, to be sure, but many of those are wrought by man himself and those that are not have been much diminished…..