The Sad Truth About Men Not Visiting Women in Prison

@eketiette tweeted this sad thread about when she noticed how few men visit women in prison compared to women who visit men in prison. It’s pretty heartbreaking to think that not only did these women lose their freedom, but on top of that were also abandoned by their partners. The statistics are disheartening. Here is the full thread:

The Sad Truth About Men Not Visiting Women in Prison
The Sad Truth About Men Not Visiting Women in Prison
The Sad Truth About Men Not Visiting Women in Prison

The Sad Truth About Men Not Visiting Women in Prison
The Sad Truth About Men Not Visiting Women in Prison
The Sad Truth About Men Not Visiting Women in Prison

Source: @eketiette

(via: Brenda Numesubo)

So do you think this gender disparity is a case of social conditioning or are men just naturally more callous than women? Let us know in the comments below!

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