The Science of the Uncanny Valley

This is a super interesting post that explains the science of the Uncanny Valley. Coined by robotics professor Masahiro Mori in 1970, the uncanny valley explores the unsettling sensation humans experience when encountering humanoid entities that closely resemble real people but still possess subtle, almost imperceptible differences. This valley represents a point where familiarity turns to eeriness. It creates a delicate balance between human-like attributes and an innate unease. This post explains why the valley exists from a few different perspectives:

The Science of the Uncanny Valley

The Science of the Uncanny Valley


2 thoughts on “The Science of the Uncanny Valley

  1. luidilovins sort of just went off the walls on this. Makes some good points, makes up stuff, changes topics… it’s a wild ride. Racism is not a European fabrication, it seems that way and they proceeded to create advanced weaponry and spread across the globe through war and colonization thinking they were better than those they conquered. Racism has existed in every culture, just not as easy to spot as skin tone, Tribe A (from Europe, or Asia, of Africa, or the Americas) hates Tribe B from the other side of the hills as they’re seen as inferior, less advanced, even some are shorter than Tribe A, not even in the same race as Tribe A sees it.

    1. Bigotry and xenophobia have existed. Racism, however, depends on the idea of ‘race’; which was more of a European/white American invention. It’s a subtle distinction, I admit, but I think an important one.

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