Headcanon accepted! This fan theory about the Scooby-Doo gang being a polyamorous family is pretty legit when you think about it! Here’s all the proof you need:

And a commenter on reddit added this wonderful little fan fic to go with this:
“Plot: Fred and Daphne were the first “canon” couple, though Shaggy and Velma had feelings long before. While they were better at talking about it and okay with not really having a label, Daphne’s jealousy caused friction over Velma being so close to Fred. Eventually, she opened up to her, bringing forth feelings of not being jealous and worrying she’d take away Freddie, but wanting that kind of closeness too and how it affected both of the boys. This kind of communication led to them eventually opening up the relationship and allowing them to explore a new kind of love and affection without the pressures.
While there have been temptations and Daphne still struggles sometimes with feeling secure, they’ve been able to work through those times much easier and have grown as lovers, and as friends.”
So what do you think? Is the Scooby-Doo gang a polyamorous family? Let us know in the comments below!
My headcannon has always been that Fred and Daphne were a couple, and Shaggy and Velma were Daphne’s weird cousins that her mom forced her to include in everything when they were kids until Daphne figured out they were pretty cool despite being weird.
A Scooby Doo comic from Gold Key in 1973 seemingly backs this up, except that Gold Key was notorious for taking continuity liberties. A panel of a story a year earlier has Daphne and Velma in the guest room of a mansion (which figures in the plot) and Velma is unhooking Daphne’s bra. Joe Ruby and Ken Spears are neither here to deny or admit what relationship dichotomies exist, so speculation will run rampant for years to come.
I mean that’s basically what polyamory is, a group living with and caring about each other. Also mystery solving is part of it
The show originates in the era of hippies. The free love movement of the time pre-dates poly.
I remember seeing someone who did some screen captures of an episode where Velma was in an orange oversized shirt, and Daphnie was in a purple nightie. Later in another episode, Velma was in the nightie and Daphnie was in the orange shirt. This implies that at some point, they swapped sleeping gear.
I always though that daphne and fred were together, shaggy and velma were together
And that velma and daphne treated each other as sisters or super close best friends and shaggy and fred have a bromance relationship where they are friends but are way too comfortable and will act gay to each other as humor.
They are all dating cuz we have seen Velma and daphne kiss and shaggy and Velma and daphne and Fred and Fred and Velma and shaggy and daphne and then Fred and shaggy live together