The Weird Leftist Logic of the Value of Human Life

This post starts off with someone stating “You must understand the weird logic of the left. To them life is priceless and should always be prioritised over property”. I… I don’t really know what to say about this one. I mean, I don’t know how to explain to you that you should care about other people. None of this should be a hard concept or “weird logic of the left” but here we are. Why would anyone’s default be valuing property over human life? Things can be replaced or rebuilt, life cannot. That is not “leftist logic”, that is just logic. Anyway this post goes into great detail about this and it’s actually a great ethical discussion and very educational:

The Weird Leftist Logic of the Value Human Life
The Weird Leftist Logic of the Value Human Life

The Weird Leftist Logic of the Value Human Life
The Weird Leftist Logic of the Value Human Life

The Weird Leftist Logic of the Value Human Life
The Weird Leftist Logic of the Value Human Life


(via: Premium Internet Curation)

What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

6 thoughts on “The Weird Leftist Logic of the Value of Human Life

  1. To the right of the political spectrum, you find narcissism and sociopathy. Selfishness (the self is preeminent) rules their logic, beliefs, and decision makings.

    To the left of the political spectrum, you find compassion and empathy. Selflessness (the self is part of the whole) rules their logic, beliefs, and decision makings.

    It’s really that simple…..and it explains what this thread is trying to say without coming right out and saying it.

    1. I refer you to the line “… they tend to view demographics as individuals” in hazeldomain’s post above. Even if the above is the stated view of the group as a whole, the group is made of individuals, with many differing versions of the view, and that’s where it gets complicated. By the logic of this post, your descriptions of the right and left are very conservative. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, but it is how I see it.
      I would say that if the right-side view is “the self is preeminent” then the left-side view is “the whole is preeminent”; if “the self is part of the whole” to the left-side, then “the whole is made up of the selves” to the right. Furthermore I contend that both sides are selfish; the difference lies in what they trust will do the thing that is most beneficial to them.
      I could go on, but I think I’ve started enough of an argument already.

  2. I would sacrifice my family for the Statue of Liberty; the Mona Lisa; irreplaceable works of art; cultural history; symbols of truth, freedom, liberty that men and women already gave their lives for. I would personally sacrifice everyone in this thread who wouldn’t… I have weighed all the lives in the balance: it is a hefty price to pay and I pay it gladly

    1. This would be a touching sentiment if the lives were yours to give. For my part, I’d gladly put all of the funds held by Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates et al. (leaving enough for them to live on) toward paying the national debt. But the money is not mine to spend.
      If you would also sacrifice your own life for these cultural symbols, that I can respect. If not, you’re no better than I am.

    2. “I would personally sacrifice everyone in this thread who wouldn’t… I have weighed all the lives in the balance: it is a hefty price to pay and I pay it gladly”

      Reads as: I disagree, and these people are Bad, and I will gladly punish them by taking their life because of it. I have weighed and judged.

      Your life is yours to give, no others. You do not own your family. If, like the curators of the Louvre, you are willing to sacrifice your own like to save a work of art, that is admirable. If you are willing to spend lives not your own to do so, that is despicable.

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