Things We Should Stop Saying To Men

Yellow Club posted these common phrases that everyone should stop saying to men and boys. I’m sure we’ve all heard some of these at one point. You know the buddy making fun of his friend because a girl beat him, the dad telling his young son to “man up” and stop crying, the woman saying only men should make the first move or only men should pay for dates, etc. It’s time we stopped these sexist, outdated actions and just started treating everyone like humans instead of this gender specific crap. These are actually offensive to both men and women.

Things We Should Stop Saying To Men
Things We Should Stop Saying To Men
Things We Should Stop Saying To Men
Things We Should Stop Saying To Men
Things We Should Stop Saying To Men

Things We Should Stop Saying To Men
Things We Should Stop Saying To Men
Things We Should Stop Saying To Men

Source: Yellow Club

(via: Geek Girls)

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