This is Why Representation in Geek Culture Matters

@sapphicgeek told this beautiful story about working at a comic book store and meeting a young Supergirl fan. This is exactly why representation and diversity in geek culture and media matters to so many people. And like she said, representation doesn’t just matter, it can save lives.

This is Why Representation in Geek Culture Matters
This is Why Representation in Geek Culture Matters
This is Why Representation in Geek Culture Matters

This is Why Representation in Geek Culture Matters
This is Why Representation in Geek Culture Matters

Source: @sapphicgeek

(This site is LGBTQ+ friendly. We will not tolerate any hate speech, discrimination or bigotry in the comments below. Thank you.)

1 thought on “This is Why Representation in Geek Culture Matters

  1. It is truly a state on our society and how sad we are that you have to put a disclaimer about being “LGTBQ+ friendly” in order to stop trolls. I hate people.

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