Yea this mutant cure quote from Storm in X-Men: The Last Stand doesn’t make the most sense if you think about it, lol. You’d think Storm would be a little bit more sensitive to Rogue’s situation:
Marie: “Is it true? Can they cure us?”
Prof. Charles Xavier: “Yes, Rogue. It appears to be true.”
Ororo Munroe: “No, Professor. They can’t cure us. You want to know why? Because there’s nothin’ to cure. Nothing’s wrong with you. Or any of us, for that matter.”

(via: Geek Girls)
There is nothing wrong with them & they are not mutants. They are people with Talant (psychic ability) & all u have to do is learn to control it. She who kills everything she touches wouldn’t if she learnt how to control it. It’s like learning your own ‘volume’ control, learning moderation.
Oh is that all? Just learn to control it? Ok, cool. Hey cyclops take off those glasses you’re just not trying hard enough. Hey kid stop that stuttering and learn to control it.
I know. This is just south ableism. It’s like the people who tell me I shouldn’t need to take drugs for my auto immune disease – it’s just mind over matter…
Can someone locate this unfortunate persons brain?
The way I see it, they should name it “choice” or “option” instead of “cure”. “Cure” really does sound like they’re all afflicted with an illness. Instead, let every individual x-person choose for themselves whether they want to administer said option or not.
It is amazing that people comment and completely miss the point….idiots….
You’d think that Professor X would be able to point out the subtleties here, him being a professor of genetics and all.
I think the quote is as well written, as it is a terrible thing for her to say. Its basically the equivalent of Storm saying: being a mutant is a choice. In the world of Mutants Storm is relatively privileged, she can pass as non-mutant, and she has no drawbacks to her powers. To her there is nothing to cure, and I think they wrote her as not fully understanding what other less fortunate mutants go through. I believe this was understood by the writers and intentional. That said, the whole thing is around being a mutant in x-men is complicated because being a ‘mutant’ is a metaphor for being part of a marginalized and persecuted group. They are born mutants, just as people are born, POC or LGBTQ+, in that light Storm is right, there is no cure and nor should there be. It is society that needs to change. The complication is that some people suffer directly from their abilities, not from how they are treated by society, more equivalent to people who are born deaf, blind or with disables. In this light Storm is being ableist. X-Men has never been black and white or had easy answers to the questions they bring up. So, thats my thoughts.
This sounds right to me.
Even Professor X talks about it as a cure, just admitting that one exists in reply to Rogue’s question.
Mateo Stray is right that it just exposes Storm’s lack of comprehension about how hard some mutants’ lives are, directly because of their mutations. She cannot comprehend wanting to live without her mutation, and extends that to assume that no mutant would want to live without theirs.