Samurai Knitter posted these great “humans are weird” ideas. This goes alongside with the “humans are space orcs” and “Earth is space Australia” tropes. There really are so many potential ways that aliens would be baffled by human behavior. These posts touch on some good ones like our science, gender, sexuality, cat obsessions, religion, germs, language, hobbies and more:

Source: Samurai Knitter
You are a sci fi terry prattchet in the making. You should expound on your ideas and make them reality.
Aliens are currently studying the two most prominent activities of humans of this era: Advertising and Acting like a Fucking Asshole.
Jean Donnel
NOTE: Human have a tendency to form familiar bonds with creatures of other species, even plants at times. They actually feel attachment to said beings and there is some indication that this may at times be felt by the creature (an attachment emotionally to the human.) This is part of how they came to experiment. They saw wolves at first as competition, then felt sorry for them and fed them. They hunted with them and domesticated them into dogs. Cats walked into human villages and adopted humans. The humans at first terrified, became attached to the cats very quickly. Humans claim that cats are really doing pest control. How do cats do this when sleeping on their humans? Why do humans drug cats with cat nip? Some have actually suggested that humans are NOT the dominant species of the planet Earth, and are in fact, the servants of most of the plants and animals. This cuteness factor humans mention – being a method of control exerted by animals on humans. Some ancient humans considered large cats like Cheetah’s as family members. There are humans that have pets that are deadly poisonous. They domesticated a stinging insect just for the stuff called honey and wax, and only later found these creature also pollinated crops. They take snakes and make them pets, all sorts of flying, creeping, running and even swimming creatures as family and friends. Yes, EVEN sharks have been considered by some humans as friends. Most humans are afraid of sharks, but it seems like the sharks should be afraid of the humans. So do NOT be surprised if a human comes back to it’s habitat on your world with a DEADLY predator. Do not be surprised if the deadly predator seems just as strangely attached to the human as it is to said predator. If the human says something along the lines of “It followed me home, can I keep it?” You need at this point to give the human a larger habitat, inform them of said wild predators needs, get insurance, get medical insurance for you, and the new animal addition and inform security that a new employee is on the team. Just give the animal a band that says in your language SECURITY and it and the human will be happy. Until it needs a mate, or the human needs a mate with it’s pets or both occur.
“Why do humans insist on covering themselves with these things … um, clothes? They don’t serve any purpose!” “I think it’s a leftover habit from their early development during their planet’s ice age.” “But that makes no sense! We’re in a controlled environment! And when I ask them to please remove the floppy unnatural things they either get very angry or very excited. Why the heck?” “Oh, that has to do with their reproductive cycle.” “What… wait WHAT does that have to do with anything?” “I’m sorry, I said reproductive cycle… they don’t have a cycle… they want to reproduce ALL the time. So when they see each other’s reproductive organs they take it as a signal to mate.” “Eww! Those aren’t hidden?” “Nope. Hence the clothes.”