This epic tumblr rant in response to these thoughts on The Sokovia Accords in Captain America: Civil War is worth the read! No tea, no shade, just facts.
(But really it always bugged me a little that Peter Parker aka Spider-Man didn’t really know what he was fighting for. He was only on Tony Stark’s side because he only knew Tony. It’s pretty shitty of Stark to use a kid like that, but that’s another whole rant, lol.)

(via: Geek Girls)
What do you think about the Sokovia Accords in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Leave a comment below!
After that in-depth analysis, I only have one question: Who’s Edward Stark?
A prior Lord of Winterfell, I imagine.
Also probably worth noting that the Winter Soldier was exactly the sort of outcome the Sokovia Accords were designed to create. A powered individual (not even that high powered) turned from a human with choice (Bucky), into a weapon, held suspended, not even experiencing the world, until once more needed. (Winter Soldier)
If the X-Men had been part of the MCU, it would have been even more obvious how awful the Sokovia Accords were
they were in the comics when civil war happened in fact they were the cause (though it was a set up) ad to that the fact that there had been senators in the comics FOR DECADES trying to pass the Mutant registration act Making it effect all powered people no matter who just made it easier to sell to the Sheep
In the comics both sides of the conflict approach the X-men. They tell Tony (essentially) “Get bent, we’ve been fighting against similar laws for years. We’re not going to start because you’ve expanded the number of people from just mutants to all powered people” and Steve “Doesn’t feel great when you are the one being targeted, does it? Maybe remember that next time you decide to protect people supporting Mutant Registration. However we don’t need to give such people another reason to target us so you are on your own… you know like we’ve been all this time?”
To be fair Cyclops was dating Emma Frost at the time and some of her pettiness might have rubbed off on him.
So im gonna point out the one flaw or crack or whatever you call it. Captain America doesnt exist without the Government wanting a super soldier. Proving his worth after or having moral high ground, or even volunteering for a “classified” experiment doesn’t allow you to destroy random cities in OTHER NATIONS WITHOUT PUNISHMENT. Capt was made by America for it……IF anything this fight should be about aborotion rights based points and not questionable ideals.
except him proviong he had the moral highground BEFORE HE HAD POWERS was the whole reason he was picked
In reading this, I wondered if Black Panther was also letting the UN know about his special abilities, and was wearing the tracker? Did he let the world know about his identity? Was he putting his movements under UN approval?
Not at all; he is arrested under the Sokovia accords following his pursuit of Bucky but then immediately released under the terms of diplomatic immunity. Pretty sure this was likely due to the UN being very curious (and greedy) about someone who has access to enough vibranium to build an entire suit and hoping that if they honour his diplomatic immunity they may be able to negotiate for some.
In fact, this is the setup for Black Panther II, where everone is now searching for vibranium…
Also can we talk about the Hypocracy of TONY being the ONLY avenger the UN looped in on the accords and allowed to have any input you know THE GUY WHO CAUSED THE SIKOVIA INCIDENT IN THE FIRST PLACE and arguably the most dangeriously irresponsible avenger even before he became a walking weapons platform