This is a really great and insightful thread of people sharing things they learned in therapy. I feel like a lot of the advice in this post could help a lot of people:

(via: Premium Internet Curation)
If you have any insight to add about anything you’ve learned in therapy please let us know in the comments below!
Here’s what I “learned”
– Ripping people off is completely okay as long as someone else does it to you
– With enough authoritative force, you can solve a problem using the same thinking that created it
– The only way to achieve lasting peace is with superior force and force the people you’re imposing it on to deal with it at any cost. That plan ALWAYS works
– It can always be worse, so stop crying and snap out of it
– Avoiding responsibility for one’s actions is totally fine and normal as long as you’re the one with the emotional wounds. But if you even LOOK LIKE you did, then you’re guilty of a high level Crime Against Humanity.
– If I see the world differently from whoever sent me, then I’m automatically an idiot.
– Suicidal people are all selfish inconsiderate pricks and just need to snap out of it.
– As long as the person doing it has authority over you, coercion is in fact consent.
– If it’s not sexual, physical, or blatant, it doesn’t count as abuse. If you want to say otherwise, you’re an idiot with a victim complex and are too stupid to understand the difference between inconvenience and actual oppression.
– If you think any or all of the above are terrible lessons, you have entitlement and male fragility issues.