This interesting thread is a bunch of people telling stories of times they knew facts because they had memorized them from song lyrics or musicals. This is yet another reason why the arts are important:

(via: Nerd Girl Nation)
Do you have any stories about knowing facts from songs or books, etc.? Let us know in the comments below!
I shocked a prof when he asked what was the oldest organization that was still around and still operating under its original mandate and I answered “the Knights Hospitaller of St-John of Jerusalem” (St-John’s Ambulance.) In 20 years no one had ever answered correctly. When he asked me how I knew this I said that I’d read it in the historical novel The Kapillan of Malta by Nicholas Montserrat.
Got a perfect 4.0 grade in Philosophy & Logic, due in large part to remembering the names of philosophers….thank you Monty Python.