1 thought on “Titanic Time Travel

  1. Yah, see, it’s all a big bluff to keep you from trying. That bubble is only so big in time AND space. If you go back a bit further, then all you need to do is to replace a passenger.
    But then you introduce the butterfly effect. That’s when the REAL safeguard appears. If you change anything, like who survives, they notice the change, and reset time locally.
    You go in on your timeline, but you were never officially there, so you just disappear. They don’t (can’t) account for people who weren’t there to their knowledge. They don’t look for them, either.
    The reset is handled by the agents found to be too jaded, corrupt or otherwise unfit to deal with the public. They serve a useful purpose, and this way they need not be mind-wiped and paid off. As far as they’re concerned, your ejection from the time-space continuum is your problem.
    So somewhere far off in the distant fringes of the multiverse, cut off from contact by all current temporal technology, is a number of looped pocket universes where the Titanic perpetually sails, hits the iceberg, and sinks, only to repeat it again throughout eternity. And the passengers and crew remember every moment of it.
    I still have nightmares about it. It took 3000 years…

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