bilesandthesourwolf posted this theory that Tony Stark aka Iron Man is actually the strongest Avenger in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And they have some pretty convincing proof regarding the Infinity Stones to back this up:

Source: bilesandthesourwolf
(via: Geek Girls)
So what do you think? Is Tony Stark the strongest Avenger? And if not then who is? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
You could also surmise that Thanos and Hulk were both fighting against the stones to a certain extent as they wanted to be alive after they used them. Tony didn’t fight it. He let the power surge through him knowing it was burning him to a crisp from the inside out and he let it without fighting to control or hold back anything. It was the sacrifice that allowed him to ignore the pain on top of everything else said above. If he’d tried to fight it to live through it he would have felt the agony too.
^i love this one. it also tracks because thanos KNEW it wouldn’t kill him t5hats why when he snapped it was effortless, he was IMPALED and he just snapped like it was any other day.
I think in Hulk/ Banner’s case there is also a theory that he was trying to bring Natasha back as well but the stones wouldn’t let that happen so it was a struggle until he accepted it and stuck to just the original plan.
except he didnt’ try to brign her back untilt he moment up to the snap..t he SECOND he put it on he was in TREMENDOUS agony.. and it took him a moment o acclimate neoiugh to even speak, then, raising his hand up to snap he’s screamign in pain until the snap nealry put him into a coma. Thanos went to snap and for him that moment was effrotless, onyl the initial surge hurt him.
There was another theory that floated around shortly after Endgame which made sense to me. I forget the person as I rarely read Reddit and other websites such as this one and quote them but the theory went as followed:
Tony was able to lift the stones and snap easier because of the arc reactor sat in his chest. Now obviously, he went through many different iterations of it but eventually got it out of his body and housed nicely in his suits, this powering them.
Going back to the first movie, Iron Man. In the cave, the gentleman (I forget his name) who helped him go from car battery to small arc reactor said something that sparked this whole theory, which was ‘that could power you for a 100 lifetimes’. THIS IS WHY!! the newer forms of arc reactors would of clearly 10, 50 or even 100 times folded in power capacity and that’s why tony was able to lift it with such ease.
It was also summarised with the injuries he sustained during his movies, it was always the right arm. You see him watching the news about the terrorist attacks and the testing model for the suits arm is being tinkered with. In the second movie, he has arm broken (I think) and the third movie… there was something. So there was this added to arc reactors theory to say his right arm has been punished and trained enough to wield or more likely lift the gauntlet with such ease
Yinsen. His name was Yinsen. We first met him the that cave, but Tony knew or met him in 1999 in Switzerland.
It’s just perfect. No comment necessary, but I’m compelled to say just that. Perfect.
No. It doesn’t mean he was the strongest avenger.
Remember he has that arc reactor as a replacement for that hole in his heart?
Remember in iron man 2. Tony was being poisoned with “palladium” that was killing him slowly?
Tony found a new element that he could use to replace the palladium that was coursing through his body.
When tony stark created that new element that saved him. He said it “tasted like coconuts and metal”.
That element was never identified.
This is in “iron man 2”.
That element that Tony has since used for so long to power his arc reactor is the same element that is in one of the infinity stones which is why he could handle it.
Any normal person would die instantly from it.
Hulk barely survived.
Thanos was in gripping pain.
But not tony stark.
That element (which is in one of the infinity stones) could only be used for so long till the other elements took over.
So eventually tony stark died from a sudden overdose of pallidium.
That explains his veins turning black because if you noticed in iron man 2. Tony’s veins were almost black.
Watch this scene
So In other words Tony Stark died of a pallidium overdose.
Which is one of the elements in the infinity stones.