Valhalla Does Not Discriminate – Writing Prompt Story

prismatic-bell wrote this beautiful story in response to a writing prompt about Valhalla not discriminating against anyone. You can make it into Valhalla regardless of the kind of battle you fought and died in to get there. This is of course contrary to actual Norse mythology, where only those that die in combat go to Valhalla after their deaths. So please bear in mind that this is just a writing prompt response and a beautiful story:

Valhalla Does Not Discriminate - Writing Prompt Story
Valhalla Does Not Discriminate - Writing Prompt Story

Valhalla Does Not Discriminate - Writing Prompt Story
Valhalla Does Not Discriminate - Writing Prompt Story
Valhalla Does Not Discriminate - Writing Prompt Story

Valhalla Does Not Discriminate - Writing Prompt Story

Source: prismatic-bell

22 thoughts on “Valhalla Does Not Discriminate – Writing Prompt Story

    1. My mom died of cancer almost 4 years ago. And before that her father, her sister, and one brother. After she passed, two more brothers have been lost, and her last brother is fighting it today. May whatever God you believe in hold your hand if you or your family get in the fight.

      1. It doesn’t fit at all the eddas state those slain by weapon, fallen in battle .. valhalla isn’t heaven it’s a training ground. Killing for eternity. Why would yoi want a kid to be sent there.. thats sick

  1. Sorry but this is utterly rubbish valhalla is where warriors go to prepare to fight fir the end of existence.. why would you want a cancer sufferer or a child for buri sake going to spend eternity taking part in killing and violence… valhalla isn’t heaven and this idea is just sick! The eddas state clearly you die in battle slain by weapon.. those of disease or illness or old age go to Hel

  2. This is how I see the All-Father. And, I do believe that they enter Valhalla as warriors. Especially the ones that fight themselves, for what greater foe does one have, but themselves?

  3. Danny freea… ok I can see what you’re saying but the intent and spirit of the piece is beautiful. not all who hear of Valhalla have heard of Hel , being angry about this only drives people away.
    for those who don’t know
    Valhalla is literally the hall of the valiant,
    Hel is a place to be refined, healed and restored

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