Drew DuBois posted this awesome tweet by @soldierexclipse featuring a vintage invitation to a lesbian orgy! They found some people through research who received similar invitations and this is what they had to say after looking at screenshots of the discussions:
“I’m astonished that people are apparently making so much of a fuss over what was a party invitation, or suspecting it of being a fake, or considering it to be “a piece of “queer independent printing.” This all seems pretty excessive. In any case, the document wasn’t exactly “printed” and certainly wasn’t published. It was an invitation to a private party, done on a typewriter (this was well before personal computers, much less cell phones or social media) and then photocopied. It was then shared with a limited invitation list. These sorts of parties were private and hence the invitations weren’t widely distributed. The image was also a photocopy of a drawing in some book of kinky erotica that was available at the time.
There is one caveat: I can’t tell from the pictures whether this was one of the actual “original” photocopies or a copy of one; however, that particular image was definitely used on one of those party invites. There were several other similarly constructed invitations (with different images) to other parties, which took place episodically over a couple of years circa 1979-1981.If anyone is interested in the historical context, they might want to look into the Samois book, Coming to Power (now out of print). The book and the parties were part of the emergence of an organized community of kinky lesbians in the SF Bay Area in the late 1970s.”

Source: Drew DuBois / @soldierexclipse (NSFW)