So I now agree that modern medieval fantasy stories don’t have enough weasel-based necromancy. This post explains why. And for more weird historical weasel facts, read The History of Sex Weasels in Renaissance Art.

Source: trans-cuchulainn
Internet & Geek Culture
So I now agree that modern medieval fantasy stories don’t have enough weasel-based necromancy. This post explains why. And for more weird historical weasel facts, read The History of Sex Weasels in Renaissance Art.
Source: trans-cuchulainn
[more about medieval weasel beliefs]
Dr Chelsea Nichols is a curator exploring the strange, dark place between art and curiosities at The Museum of Ridiculously Interesting Things and she posted this engrossing thread about Sex Weasels in renaissance art. Weird stories like this is what makes art history so great: Sexy weasels in Renaissance art link! Source: Dr Chelsea Nichols…
This is a really neat fantasy idea for a city where necromancy is legal and just part of every day society. There are however specific laws about the ethics of it. But you are allowed to use necromancy to help you in a fight or help you run your business.…
This list of dog names from medieval times in the early 15th century is amazing! These highlights posted by weird medieval guys are so funny and cute! My next dog is getting a popular medieval name for sure, haha! As always, history is grand: {{CODE1}} Source: weird medieval guys (via:…