LOL! This is an interesting reddit thread that answers the question posted to r/AskReddit: “What things do Americans do that people from other countries find extremely weird or strange?” r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

Source: r/AskReddit
(via: Cheezburger)
I will take issue with two of these (not that they are unusually, but that the US way is the inferior way):
1. bottom gap on toilet stalls is GOOD. it makes it easy to see which stalls are empty (and we can’t see anything above your ankles without crawling on the floor, which no one is going to do) AND it lets people pass you toilet paper and sanitary products if you find yourself in an emergency. It also makes it easier for employees to mop the floor.
2. mm/dd/yy is actually sensible. If I ask for a date that I need to imput into a computer (or before that, write on a physical calendar) what’s more useful to have first – the day or the month? exactly.
The date one is interesting. We use dd/mm/yy in the UK on forms and such, but when you speak with people and just talk about dates when trying to arrange something, I very rarely hear people say day then month, far easier for people to day “May 19th” than “the 19th of May”
yyyy/mm/dd is the ONLY useful date format and I am quite prepared to fight for and die on this hill
I find it strange that the US needs different apps to move $$ from person to person. In Canada we simply log into our banking app and can send $$ via email or text to another person. No other apps needed.
im american born and raised and the date format always trips me up. dd/mm/yy makes way more sense to me cause it goes smallest amount -> biggest amount. idk it just confuses me everytime