Think you know what Turkish Delight is? Think again!

Internet & Geek Culture
Think you know what Turkish Delight is? Think again!
So this is what people think of The Great Whit North aka the country Canada. Here are some great answers to the question posed on reddit, "Non-Canadians, what comes to mind when you hear the word "Canada?". There's some wholesome answers, some funny stuff, and of course a few great…
This post has some interesting cat facts posted in response to the question, "What does my cat think when I kiss his little head? Does he know it’s affection or does he think I’m trying to eat him". Source Does your kitty boop you? Let us know in the comments…
This is an interesting post about what water tastes like. Some people disagree that water tastes like anything, but this post describes the taste pretty well: Source Do you think water tastes like something? If so, what? Let us know in the comments below!