This comic by College Humor shows a comparison between what people say about mental illness vs what it’s really like living with mental illness. The comic covers social anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, attention deficit disorder, obsessives compulsive disorder, and depression:

Source: College Humor
(via: 9GAG)
this is truth. add/adhd gets this so much. ik everyone else does too, im just frustrated about how anytime someone gets slightly distracted or cant focus even a tiny bit they compare it to staring at your computer for a whole day and then being exhausted even though you got nothing done EVEN THOUGH YOU WERE TRYING YOUR HARDEST.
i hate when anyone who doesnt have [insert mental illness or brain difference] compares their tiny lil experience to the actual struggle.
especially when they make a “squirrel” joke about adhd. no, it’s NOT ‘ooh shiny’ it’s “i cant sleep because my brain will not turn off and i spent all day today staring at my computer trying to FORCE myself to do soemthing but i couldnt even though im 23 assignments behind and im gonna have to pull three all nighters in a row to catch up, my brain just would not do it today, now i hate myself and i think everyone else does too.”
sorry for the rant
nah this isn’t a rant your just right i have adhd to and i hate when people say i should just do the work well they dont even bother trying to help in anyway at all.