Which Childhood Heroes are Monarchists

LOL! This is an amusing (and true) post about which of your childhood heroes are monarchists. The tragedy of growing up British and left wing is realizing all your beloved childhood animals in waistcoats were monarchists to the core. And yes, that sadly includes Paddington Bear…

Which Childhood Heroes are Monarchists
Which Childhood Heroes are Monarchists

Which Childhood Heroes are Monarchists
Which Childhood Heroes are Monarchists

Which Childhood Heroes are Monarchists


2 thoughts on “Which Childhood Heroes are Monarchists

  1. As an American this post fascinates me.
    My two cents are that Narnia is kind of a theocracy/monarchy — the kings and queens are still subjects of Aslan, who — with apologies to non-Christian readers — is clearly a Christ figure. Redwall is also a theocracy — it’s unclear which god governs them (my guess is Nature personified) but Redwall is literally a monastery. Salamandastron (also from the Redwall books) is probably the most benevolent of military dictatorships.
    Fantastic Mr. Fox is an anarchist and probably a communist, but again, a benevolent one — if he becomes leader of his little colony of underground beasts, it’s by virtue of his providing the food instead of collecting it from the providers and portioning it back out. And the possum wasn’t in the book; only British animals were.
    The rest of them I don’t know about, by virtue of not knowing enough about British politics and/or how they influence children’s literature.

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