Who Women Really Want – Venn Diagram

LOL! This post about who women really want to date is amusing. It’s true that some cis straight guys absolutely insist that they have to be muscle hunks to get girls. When we posted about Male Power Fantasy Superheroes soooo many men in the comments vehemently insisted that women only want Fabio types with ripped bodies and will refuse to date or even look at anyone else. No matter how many women told them otherwise they insisted they were lying and proceeded to mansplain to them what they actually want. It was a truly hilarious thing to behold. ANYWAY, obvs women want different things, and there’s nothing wrong with a muscle hunk, this is just funny, especially the Venn diagram:

Who Women Really Want - Venn Diagram
Who Women Really Want - Venn Diagram

(via: Batshit in Baby Lawn)

So who does it for you ladies? Let us know in the comments below!

9 thoughts on “Who Women Really Want – Venn Diagram

  1. Perhaps the men only experience the Tinder way (whether on Tinder or not). If you aren’t looking for a long term relationship you may as well get the best looking partner – it doesn’t matter what other qualities they have. Men interpret that as the only quality that women care about because it’s the only qualifier that they can easily identify.

    1. I was on Tinder in 2019 as a depressed middle-aged father with a dad bod, and it was an absolute bonanza for me. My 2nd wife and I met there. I think it had less to do with my physique than the character and tone of my bio subtly hinting, to avoid censorship, that I’m a linguist of the cunning type. That, and judging by what I saw of my girlfriends’ Tinder feeds, the fact that I could string together a coherent sentence. Catnip for them.

  2. D: all of the above, I met my depressed middle age dad husband on an online dating site, we’ve been together 14 years now, married for 13.

  3. Cis straight guys have a habit of only listening to other cis straight guys about this and discounting women’s comments because they respect other men more than women. So basically they’re competing with each other over what it means to be manly.

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