Dragon Ball fan Kakarot 1337 put together this theory that argues Goku is stronger and better than Superman. He titled it, “Goku vs. Superman, The Truth That Hurts DC Fanboys”. So what do you think, who would win in a fight Goku or Superman?

Source: Kakarot 1337
Who do you think would win in a fight, Goku or Superman? Let us know in the comments below!
This is moronic, and it is also wrong.
Cant believe you just said that without any explanation, atleast the guy below provided reasoning.
It got all the explanation it deserves.
In All-Star Superman. Superman could, after being supercharged with solar energy, lift 200 quintillion tons.
However his normal lifting power is 2 billion tons.
Goku’s lifting power was 100 tons in base form, and he has increased it since then.
And then we’re getting into his multipliers, which I’m not gonna get too much into but, SSJ is a 50x multiplier, with SSJ2 is double that.
And I’m not even sure how to rank his Godly transformations.