MIND=BLOWN! Farscape is one of the best science fiction television shows and Guardians of the Galaxy is one of the best Marvel movies, but we somehow never noticed this! This fun meme accurately shows the similarities between the original crew of Moya and the main characters of the Marvel Cinematic Universe Guardians of the Galaxy lineup. Now of course these are pretty common character archetypes, but the similarities are still amusing!
Also to be fair we’d just like to point out that yes, the Guardians of the Galaxy comics far predate Farscape, BUT they featured quite different characters than these ones. The original Guardians of the Galaxy roster consisted of Vance Astro, Martinex T’Naga, Captain Charlie-27 and Yondu Udonta. Later members included Stakar Ogord, Aleta Ogord, and Nikki. As you can see, none of the modern characters like Peter Quill aka Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Groot or Rocket Raccoon were members.
Anyway, this explains why Rygel and Rocket are both so funny! So then does this mean Scorpius=Ronan? Chiana=Nebula? Hmm, they don’t really fit as well, what do you guys think? So here it is, the explanation of why MCU Guardians of the Galaxy is just like Farscape…

Source: FRELL U
Did everyone forget that Ben Browder had a cameo as one of the Sovreign in Guardians Vol 2?