Willy Wonka Doctor Who Fan Theory

Mind=Blown! This is a surprisingly convincing Doctor Who fan theory about how Willy Wonka is the final regeneration of The Doctor. This well thought out idea was written by Redditor LemoLuke on r/fantheories. “Come with me and you’ll be in a world of pure imagination…”

Willy Wonka Doctor Who Fan Theory

Willy Wonka Doctor Who Fan Theory

Source: LemoLuke

(via: Geek Girls)

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2 thoughts on “Willy Wonka Doctor Who Fan Theory

  1. Willy Wonka is counted amongst the Time Lords that make their home on Earth including Santa Claus, James Bond 007, and Mary Poppins.

    1. Also the canonical retired Time Lords
      1. Professor Chronotis (a.k.a. Salyavin), Regius Professor of Chronology at Cambridge University, St. Cedd’s College, from the unfinished story Shada.

      2. K’anpo Rimpoche, from Planet of the Spiders.

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