LOL! This post about how women are depicted in cyberpunk art and media is pretty spot on. Dystopia is always producing “killer hips and pouty lips”:
(via: Just Sock Thoughts)
If you could get a cyberpunk body mod would you make yourself hot or badass? Or why not both? Let us know in the comments below!
I’d make myself functional. No scarred lungs, no hernia repairs that have me in constant pain, no half blown knee that likes to dislocate by walking, no blind spots in my vision due to scar tissue in my eye.
I’m more interested in biotech than cybertech. FIx the damage my arthritis has done, my eyesight, and maybe make myself a bit fitter. Getting old ain’t for sissies, as my boss says.
I think I’d go for the Culture alternative – a body which self-repairs, where you can control and gland-at-will all the relevant hormones, block out pain, generally live the f*** out of life and not worry about the consequences.
There are plenty of not-particularly-sexualized women in cyberpunk art. If that’s all you see it’s because it’s all you’re looking for.
I like to think that I paint a diverse representation, just like I do in all of my work. All body types are fun to paint, intriguing, and exciting. For action scenes, slightly athletic builds provide more dynamicism and make more sense, but athletic doesn’t necessarily mean skin and bones. I’ve also always painted ethnic and gender diversity ever since the earliest days of my career (way before it was popular) because it just makes sense! And who wants to live in a world where everyone looks the same anyways? Echo Chernik (Shadowrun Artist)