Women In Male-Dominated Fields

This is an interesting post about women working in male-dominated fields. The theory is that if women all got together and went into electrical engineering or automotive repair for example, then about ten years later people would be talking about how it was a “soft field” and it would pay proportionately less than other fields.

Women In Male-Dominated Fields

Women In Male-Dominated Fields


What do you think about women in male-dominated fields? Let us know in the comments below!

3 thoughts on “Women In Male-Dominated Fields

  1. I think people should go into the fields they are interested in and show aptitude for, not worry about if it’s masculine or feminine.

    1. Unfortunately the game is currently rigged to create endless retail-consumer proles, not dreamers of dreams made manifest.

      We waste SO much human potential to the hierarchy game. Is sad.

  2. You should be respected for you scientific intelligence regardless of whether you have a vagina or penis. Why should it be any other way? Oh oppression, subjugation, sexism, patriarchy etc. yeah

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