Women Tweet The Dumbest Thing Mansplained To Them

All these tweets are in response to the question: what’s the dumbest thing that’s ever been mansplained to you? Women are all too used to getting unsolicited patronizing explanations from men. But these tweets really drive home the level of absurdity of the things women have had mansplained to them.

In case you don’t know (and don’t have a mansplainer nearby,lol), Urban Dictionary describes “mansplaining” as:
When a man explains something to a woman in a patronizing tone as if the woman is too emotional and illogical to understand.
When unsolicited advice or direction is given to a woman by a man in a condescending manner. The reasons typically being, the man does not believe the woman is capable of completing the task independently and must need guidance.
A blend of man and explain. When a person explains something to another about a subject on which the latter is more knowledgeable. Usually the word describes a conversation in which, due to sexist bias, a man automatically assumes he is more knowledgeable than the woman he is talking to.

Women Tweet The Dumbest Thing Mansplained To Them
Women Tweet The Dumbest Thing Mansplained To Them
Women Tweet The Dumbest Thing Mansplained To Them
Women Tweet The Dumbest Thing Mansplained To Them

Women Tweet The Dumbest Thing Mansplained To Them
Women Tweet The Dumbest Thing Mansplained To Them
Women Tweet The Dumbest Thing Mansplained To Them
Women Tweet The Dumbest Thing Mansplained To Them

Women Tweet The Dumbest Thing Mansplained To Them
Women Tweet The Dumbest Thing Mansplained To Them
Women Tweet The Dumbest Thing Mansplained To Them
Women Tweet The Dumbest Thing Mansplained To Them
Women Tweet The Dumbest Thing Mansplained To Them

(via: Sad and Useless)

What’s the dumbest thing that’s ever been mansplained to you? Leave it in the comments below!

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