Women Wearing Traditionally Male Historical Clothing

captainwaltons started this thread about how stunning women look wearing historical clothing that were traditionally only worn by males. I have to agree, these women in these examples look amazing. I think it’s also because the clothes are so perfectly tailored to their bodies (like we talked about in the The Secret To Looking Good In Clothes post)!

Women Wearing Traditionally Male Historical Clothing
Women Wearing Traditionally Male Historical Clothing
Women Wearing Traditionally Male Historical Clothing

Women Wearing Traditionally Male Historical Clothing
Women Wearing Traditionally Male Historical Clothing
Women Wearing Traditionally Male Historical Clothing

Source: captainwaltons

(via: Geek Girls)

These ladies all look beautiful and badass! What do you think of these looks? Let us know in the comments below!

(Side note: the flip side of this look is pulled off by Mark Bryan: The Man Who Wears Heels and Skirts Daily, because he wears traditionally female clothing and he looks incredible!)

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