LOL! Artist Matt Jones drew this amusing comic about why Wonder Woman is better than Superman! Here’s a few words from the artist: “Has there ever been a story about Wonder Woman losing her powers? If not, this is probably why.”

Artist: Matt Jones
Do you think Wondy is better than Supes? Let is know in the comments below!
(Disjointed rant mode begin)
OK then, I’m calling BS on this BS because it’s BS.
It’s the same BS you get from dozens of bad writers who think there’s nothing left if you take the super out of Superman, despite there being close to a century of stories in pretty much every form of media showing otherwise.
Yeah we get it bad writers, you think Wonder Woman is awesome because she’s a “warrior” who could kill any enemy she runs into armed with only a paring knife, (putting aside that she’s smart enough and compassionate enough to take them out without leaving a scratch on them), and that Batman is awesome because he’s a “chess master” who can manipulate absolutely anyone into doing precisely what he wants without them ever knowing he did it, (putting aside that he’s not a complete sociopath and knows that such things are wrong and abusive), but all Superman is is a dumb jock who thinks with his muscles.
So you think Superman can’t fight? How do you think he survived all those years going up against guys with kryptonite hearts and insane super science and fifth dimensional magic. He’s gone toe to toe with Black Adam, who has the same powers as Captain Marvel and who despite every attempt to give him redeeming features is a total f*****g psycho who will murder your face off as soon as look at it.
So you think Superman can’t lead or use weapons? Meet Clark Kent, Pulitzer Prize winning author and journalist, a man with investigative skills capable of putting him in the company of Batman or J’onn J’onzz and who in the words of at least one Lex Luthor writes like a poet.
So if you take the super out of Superman is he going to curl up into a ball and have a little cry? Like f*** he is! He’s going to take down Intergang or he’s going to forge himself a sword and tame a pack of space wolves to use as a sled team or anyone of a dozen other badass feats a lifetime of being Kal El of Krypton, Clark Kent of Kansas and Superman of Earth has prepared him for.
(Disjointed rant mode end)
Yeah, got a bit more worked up there than I intended or the source material deserved.
Addendum to the above.
So it turns out that this comic is from just shy of ten years ago and people on the internet have already criticized it much better than I can so I’m left in the position of having written a lengthy, angry rant for no good reason and now I’m stuck with it.
So if we can just pretend none of this ever happened and we’ve never met I’d be super grateful.
No, I for one think that your rant is warranted. I haven’t seen the other rebuttals before now and this little comic has never sat well with me; too often people try to say that Superman is a shallow character that lives in his powers, a Mary-Sue and boring. Thank you for writing what you did, pointing out what you did, and the arguments made. They summed up how I’ve felt about this nonsense for a while.
And as a note, this isn’t because someone tried saying Wonder Woman is better than Superman. Wonder Woman is great and I always thought she was an amazing hero. It’s the reduction of who Superman is, as a person, as a hero.
Again, your rant wasn’t pointless, Ava_X, and thank you for what you wrote.
I’d say that Superman, as Clark Kent, would have a far more powerful weapon than anything Diana Prince has. And in fact, it is the same weapon that Lois Lane has, which would make her an equal partner to the depowered Mr Kent, and a step above the best of the Princess Prince.
That weapon is, of course, a press pass, backed by the First Amendment.