Xena: Warrior Princess Photo Gallery

Just in case you’d forgotten, this photo gallery is a reminder of how much of a badass Lucy Lawless as Xena: Warrior Princess is. ❤️❤️❤️

Xena of Amphipolis, also known as the Warrior Princess and the Destroyer of Nations, was a legendary figure in ancient Greece and throughout the Known World. As a warlord, she was at the head of one of the most ruthless and destructive armies that the world had ever seen. After being redeemed by Hercules, she attempted to walk a path of redemption. With Gabrielle her best friend in the beginning and then later her implied lover and soulmate, she became renowned as one of the greatest heroes of the time, fighting for the Greater Good. (info via: Hercules & Xena: The Legendary Wiki)

In a time of ancient gods, warlords and kings…
A land in turmoil cried out for a hero.
She was Xena, a mighty princess forged in the heat of battle.
The power… the passion… the danger…
Her courage will change the world.

Xena: Warrior Princess Photo Gallery
Xena: Warrior Princess Photo Gallery

Xena: See how calm the surface of the water is. That was me once. And then [Xena throws a stone in the water], the water ripples and churns. That’s what I became.
Gabrielle: But if we sit here long enough it will go back to being still again; go back to being calm.
Xena: But the stone is still under there. It’s now part of the lake. It might look as it did before, but it’s forever changed.

Xena: Warrior Princess Photo Gallery

Xena: Warrior Princess Photo Gallery
Xena: Warrior Princess Photo Gallery
Xena: Warrior Princess Photo Gallery

Xena: Warrior Princess Photo Gallery
Xena: Warrior Princess Photo Gallery

“You may be immortal but I can still do damage. How’d you like to spend eternity in 5 pieces?”

Xena: Warrior Princess Photo Gallery

Xena: Warrior Princess Photo Gallery
Xena and Gabrielle ❤️

Xena: If there is a reason for our travels together it’s because I had to learn from you enough to know the final, the good, the right thing to do. I can’t come back. I can’t.
Gabrielle: I love you, Xena. How am I supposed to go on without you?
Xena: I’ll always be with you, Gabrielle. Always.

Xena: Warrior Princess Photo Gallery
Xena: Warrior Princess Photo Gallery

(via: Geek Girls)

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