LOL! Screen Junkies finally released their Zack Snyder’s Justice League Honest Trailer and it’s hilarious. The video is almost 10 mins long, which actually seems kind of short considering the Snyder Cut was over 4 hours long.
The trailer opens with: “From the director of the Justice League… ‘s trailer comes a film that rose from the ashes to redeem that burnt orange tire fire transforming it from a movie that was 2 hours long and terrible to a movie that is 4 hours long and mediocre. Proving once and for all that if you want to look great by comparison, just stand next to Joss Whedon. The Snyder Cut, for real this time.”
Source: Screen Junkies
Here’s some of the highlights from the video:

Much better, thanks Zack.

“Meanwhile, Batman is still assembling a team of heroes to protect the earth where they will work together to bring back Superman and quickly prove that there’s no point to a Justice League once you’ve brought back Superman. Honestly they have nothing to do besides stand in a neat little line together.”

“Prepare your anus for Snyder’s trademark brand of muscular visual filmmaking, packed to the brim with hunks allergic to their own shirts.”
So, what did you think of Zack Snyder’s Justice League movie and the honest trailer for it? Leave a comment below!