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ADHD Hacks to Stay On Track

The Buzzfeed community came up with this list of 47 hacks people with ADHD use to stay on track. Living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder…

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Why People With ADHD Struggle With Diet and Nutrition

People with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often struggle with maintaining a healthy diet and nutrition. The intricate interplay of factors such as impulsivity, executive…

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Arts and Crafts Are Perfect for ADHD

This is a great post about how doing arts and crafts is perfect for people with ADHD because there’s immediate and visual progress. You can…

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Posted in Comics

ADHD? Couldn’t Be Me – Comic

Dreamadoodles wrote and illustrated this wonderful “ADHD? Couldn’t Be Me” comic. Here’s what she had to say about it: “Huh? Me, a disorder? Nah, that’s…

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ADHD and Indecisiveness

This post talks about how living with ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) can cause crippling indecisiveness due to emotional dysregulation, among other things. This post talk about…

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ADHD Stories

These childhood stories about not realizing she had ADHD are pretty wholesome. Their mom sounds like a wonderful woman, and possible a witch raising a…

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Distance Learning with ADHD

There are so many reasons why distance learning can be difficult for people with ADHD. This post is mainly about needing structure, but distance learning…

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Posted in Articles Comics

ADHD Contradictions

ADHD Couple created this comic that shows many of the typical ADHD contradictions that people living with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may experience. This goes…

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Stop Pushing ADHD Kids

Writer, therapist, and educator Josh Weed tweeted this helpful thread about how we should stop pushing kids with ADHD the way we push neurotypical kids….

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The 2 Sides of ADHD – Comic

ADHD Alien created this comic about their personal experiences with the 2 sides of living with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. If you are interested they also…

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