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Why So Few Girls Are Diagnosed With ADHD

Hannah-Louise Batt tweeted this insightful thread about why so few girls in comparison to boys are diagnosed with ADHD. Like we said in the ADHD in…

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Posted in Articles Comics

How Untreated ADHD Causes Depression

ADHD Alien created this meaningful comic about how untreated ADHD can cause and trap you in depression. Here’s what they had to say about it: “The…

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Explaining ADHD and Executive Dysfunction

Pediatric speech-language pathologist and mother of an son with ADHD Jana O’Connor tweeted this thread that perfectly explains ADHD and Executive Dysfunction. If you don’t…

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ADHD in Women

Little Miss Lionheart wrote this wonderful article titled “When You think it’s Anxiety but it’s Really ADHD” that talks about ADHD in women. Attention deficit…

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The ADHD/Autistic Cleaning Process

This post describes what the cleaning process can be like for autistic people or people who have ADHD  (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). Of course it’s…

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ADHD Bored vs Neurotypical Bored

So ADHD bored is very different from neurotypical bored. These commenters explain the difference between boredom with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and just your average boredom:…

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ADHD Is a Serious Disorder

This post is about how we need to start recognizing ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) as an actual and serious disorder that causes many symptoms…

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Describing What It’s Like Living With ADHD

Sam Dylan Finch posted this insightful thread describing what it’s like living with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). And like they said, “ADHD isn’t some…

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ADHD Symptoms as Described Isn’t as Experienced

@NomeDaBarbarian, who describes himself as an accidental ADHD Advocate and a Queer Redneck, tweeted this insightful thread about how ADHD, as described, isn’t as experienced….

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Struggling With ADHD – Comic

Burning Bee Illustration created this meaningful comic about struggling with ADHD and her personal discovery when she first took medication for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder….

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