6 thoughts on “Best and Last Day – Writing Prompt Response

  1. Why a sniper? Can’t they just “randomly” meet, shake hands or whatever, transferring a lethal dose that allows them to die in their sleep. That would be trickier, especially if the individual was well connected/protected and the agent worked for a unknown agency.

    1. The point was quick and painless. Most poisons hurt, paralytic agents(what they use on death row) just cause your to stop breathing and takes a long time to die. Dosage issues(how much is the right amount for so many different factors). You wouldn’t want to have them suffer at the end of the best day of their life.

      1. Lethal dose can be euphoric, hallucinogenic or relaxing. If they can scan the body and get that much information, surely dosage wouldn’t be guesswork.

    2. if we’re assuming a world where the populace trusts the government enough to be OK with all of this, then the sniper is more merciful because the family knows for sure that their loved one was killed as an act of kindness, rather than dying from a cause the gov’t missed or a combination of something random they couldn’t cure (like say an anurysm) and bad luck.

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