Black Vortex Gamora Cosplay

Cosplayer and published model Sara Moni looks fantastic as Black Vortex Gamora from Marvel Comics! Black Vortex Gamora is an alternate version of the character Gamora from Guardians of the Galaxy. The Black Vortex storyline follows the cosmic artifact called the Black Vortex, which grants those who embrace its power a significant cosmic enhancement. Gamora, along with other characters like Star-Lord, Nova, and Kitty Pryde, faces the decision of whether to utilize the Black Vortex’s power or to reject it. When Gamora embraces the Black Vortex, she gains immense cosmic abilities and takes on the moniker Black Vortex Gamora. This version of Gamora possesses enhanced strength, speed, agility, and cosmic energy manipulation. However, with the amplified power comes increased internal conflict and moral dilemmas. Anyway, this cosplayer absolutely nailed Gamora’s cosmic Black Vortex look in these photos shot by Julius Photography:

Cosplayer: Sara Moni

Photographer: Julius Photography

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