Broken Window Story

Nathan Howe tweeted this really great story about a broken window in his house that he neglected to fix for far too long. But the story is really a parable about people with ADHD, anxiety, or depression. Many of us live with broken windows of one type or another for years. The moral of the story here is – you don’t have to fix it all now. Just start by starting.

Broken Window Story
Broken Window Story

Broken Window Story
Broken Window Story

Source: Nathan Howe

5 thoughts on “Broken Window Story

  1. Thank you for expressing some of my thought processes…. I thought it was just procrastinating but I now see it was me making things more difficult, maybe I will deal with the molehill before it becomes a mountain.

  2. Most appreciated. I’ve just fixed a “Broken Window” of my own, and the feeling is great!

  3. I am about to graduate from a PhD program, in some ways a lot of “broken windows” that have haunted me for the last 7 years will be dealt with one way or another when I graduate. I will have a chance to start afresh, within certain aspects of my life, and with all fixed windows. Now I know that I need to fix my windows as they break rather than letting them rust and create general anxiety for my life.

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