Cosplayer, costume designer, model, and gamer from Hungary Enji Night shared some of her awesome cosplay vs character side by sides! She is awesome and nails all her cosplays as you can see! If you didn’t know, a cosplay side by side is a cosplayer vs character image to illustrate how much the costume resembles the canon character. And as you can see by the examples below, she is a wonderful costumer and really loves embodying the characters! Here’s what she had to say:
“Some of my cosplays and costests from this and last year Which one is your favorite???
I kinda went Dragon Ball heavy last year.
This year I plan to have a more diverse characters from different anime and games. Can’t wait to slowly start to reveal them to you.
Cosplays and photos by me.”

Cosplayer / Photographer: Enji Night
kinda surpirsed they did not put her Super Girl Cosplay or her Kasumi.