Defense of Jar Jar the Most Hated Character in Star Wars

LOL! Someone’s gotta defend Jar Jar Binks! So here is the defense of the poor gungan Jar Jar, the most hated character in Star Wars:

Source: Dorkly

What do you think? Is the Jar Jar hate deserved? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

4 thoughts on “Defense of Jar Jar the Most Hated Character in Star Wars

  1. I always assumed Jar Jar was under a mind trick when he pushed for Chancellor Palpatine at the Senate meeting. Or perhaps that is reserved only for Jedi?

    1. nothing saying sith can’t use it. and if you watch the videos carefully, you’ll start noticing a LOT of….odd things. rewatch it, but watch him with through the lens of “he is an exceptionally skilled sith lord, acting the fool to trick others” and you’ll see it a lot. the number of times he “accidentally” defeats enemies, or dodges attacks, or people do things ridiculously out of character, such as give the “bumbling fool” the status of general. also, when he returns home, look how everyone reacts. it’s outright fear, and the guards focus entirely on jar jar, totally ignoring the two strange humans, who they’re nearly at war with.

  2. I honestly liked Jar Jar from childhood. A lot of people miss it, but in The Phantom Menace, Jar Jar is sort of the one element of the puzzle which Palpatine did not foresee, by giving Queen Amidala the idea of allying herself with the Gungans. Pairing that with the fact that he was the one person of whom no one expected anything makes it even better.

    I honestly think of him as the “hobbit” character of Star Wars. He is not particularly competent and has no especial Force-sensitivity (I refuse to believe he is a Sith Lord), but he is courageous and has a good heart, and therefore he becomes a hero and puts everyone else to shame. Yes, he helps doom the Republic by giving Palpatine’s emergency power (though I wouldn’t blame him as much as Queen Amidala or Mas Amedda—and Jar Jar has the excuse of being more naive).

    Also, he was the first major CGI character in a live-action movie, which is pretty cool. He’s George Lucas’ favorite character, so I can’t help but think maybe those who dislike him are missing something.

    1. I agree that he probably wasn’t a Sith…. but I think he was probably force sensitive.
      If you think of him as an unconscious force user, (sort of like how Anakin thought he just had good reflexes before meeting Qui-Gon.) a lot of what he does makes much more sense.

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