Facial Reconstruction of Prehistoric Humans

Kennis & Kennis Reconstructions creates these absolutely incredibly and quite moving facial reconstruction sculptures of prehistoric humans. You can see much more of their amazing work on their website here. Here’s more info about them:

“At school we all were good at was drawing. We never read; we only looked at the pictures in the books. Human evolution was what interested us. We made clay models of drawings or we copied drawings of fossils and skulls. We still do. We’re identical twins and always sat opposite of each other to draw, which means you’ve always got your main competitor breathing down your neck. But the advantage is that you keep each other on your toes. No one spots any stylistic difference in our work, because the mix of our two styles forms one complex whole. But we only create animals and humans that really existed and they have to be scientifically accurate.”

Facial Reconstruction of Prehistoric Humans
Facial Reconstruction of Prehistoric Humans

Facial Reconstruction of Prehistoric Humans
Facial Reconstruction of Prehistoric Humans
Facial Reconstruction of Prehistoric Humans

Artist: Kennis & Kennis Reconstructions

Source: kaijutegu

(via: Geek Girls)

These reconstruction sculptures of prehistoric human really are like a window into our distant past. It’s like looking back at our long lost ancestors and realizing we’re not that different. Did looking at these faces move you? Let us know in the comments below!

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