Wickfield illustrated this awesome fan art series of animated characters if they were historically accurate! Here’s what she had to say about it:
“As a lifelong history fan, I’ve always been interested by historically accurate Disney series. Now that the series is finished, I compiled this timeline of all the realistic fashions, dating from ancient times to the 20th century.
Obviously this is not a comprehensive list of every famous character – notably I left out most of the Disney Princesses. This is because I wanted to focus on more underrepresented characters, especially POC and those of non-European cultures. I also added some of the newer characters and a few of my personal favorites for a grand total of 30 costumes!
All the characters’ outfits were carefully researched, based on the designs in their respective films (not the original fairytales). I chose the time periods and locations using specific information from the movie or the creators where possible, otherwise I chose based on clues or the overall look of the film. For complete information on each character’s design, including links to my reference images and sources, you can check out my DA gallery here. Thank you for looking, I hope you enjoy the series!“
Click the image for full view:

And here are the individual characters:

Artist: Wickfield