FENRIR! HI PUPPER!! FENRIR IS GOOD BOY!!! This is a great post about Fenrir, and how to know you are a Norse mythology geek. Fenrir is a monstrous wolf in Norse mythology. He is the son of the god Loki and the giantess Angrboða. Fenrir is foretold to play a significant role during the events of Ragnarök (the end of the world). According to the myths, the gods were aware of Fenrir’s potential danger due to his immense strength and prophecies foretelling his role in Ragnarök. As a result, they attempted to bind him multiple times, but Fenrir broke free each time, ultimately resulting in his chaining until Ragnarök, when he is destined to break free and wreak havoc.

I’m pretty sure the Asgardian who’s name escapes me that lost his hand one of the times they chained up this “good doggie” would also disagree. Tyr maybe???
In the spirit of insanely powerful canines, I’d just like to leave this here :
“Rex was a good boy”