Lembas Bread Recipe from The Lord of the Rings

This delicious Lembas bread recipe from The Lord of the Rings will have you eating like an Elf in about 30 mins! Lembas, also called Elven bread or Waybread in the Common Speech, was a special travel food made by the Elves in J. R. R. Tolkien’s world of Middle-earth.

Eat little at a time, and only at need. For these things are given to serve you when all else fails. The cakes will keep sweet for many many days, if they are unbroken and left in their leaf-wrappings, as we have brought them. One will keep a traveler on his feet for a day of long labour, even if he be one of the tall Men of Minas Tirith.” -The Fellowship of the Ring, Farewell to Lórien

In Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring movie, before departing Lothlórien, Legolas commented to Merry and Pippin:

Legolas: Lembas Bread, one bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man.
Merry: How many did you eat?
Pippin: Four.

Haha, I know hobbits can eat a lot but I’m assuming Peregrin Took had indigestion that night. Fool of a Took. Anyway, below is the “authentic” Lembas bread recipe in all its glory. It’s not too complex and it uses pretty standard baking ingredients that most bakers will have stocked in their kitchen.

Lembas Bread Recipe

(via: Siegerose)

Did you try making Lembas bread using this recipe? Let us know how it tuned out and leave a pic in the comments!

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