Joanna Robinson started this thread about the difference between the male and female gaze using Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad vs Birds of Prey as an example:

She also cited another good example in the Amazonian warriors in Wonder Woman vs Justice League. I mean they both look badass, but surely you can spot the differences:

Source: Joanna Robinson
(via: Geek Girls)
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below (without being super angry or misogynist if possible please, lol)!
the look of the Amazons in the Justice league were showing more strength and musculature of the women (hammer wielding guards and those fighting Steppenwolf) they are just as ripped as the men who were in the movie 300,which was also directed by the same person for Justice League. I have photographed fitness models who train very seriously and proudly for the same appearance.Plus an island full of only warrior women, why shouldn’t they look that way to each other.