Masculinity Throughout The Decades

mattxiv posted these Instagram comparison photos showing men wearing clothes in different decades with the caption “uh oh the masculinity police are here”. It’s a stupid tweet from Fox News anchor Jedediah Bila, who is apparently trying to make some kind of point about masculinity. Never mind the fact that Sam Smith identifies as non-binary and is just walking around living their life. Also never mind the fact that men have been dressing this way for literal decades. Also you can be a man and not masculine. You can be masculine and not a man. Masculinity is not defined by clothing. Just let people live. Someone wearing clothes is in no way affecting anyone else’s life. If Fox News believes in freedom like they claim to, then why are they always policing what people wear? Just stahp.

Masculinity Throughout The Decades

Masculinity Throughout The Decades

Masculinity Throughout The Decades

Masculinity Throughout The Decades

Masculinity Throughout The Decades

Masculinity Throughout The Decades

Source: mattxiv

(via: Alex Carmichael)

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