Megara Cosplay From Disney’s Hercules

Hannah Éva Cosplay looks gorgeous cosplaying as Megara from Disney’s animated Hercules movie! She added some really beautiful and intricate details to the costume, the gold trim is is just lovely. She also shot and edited these photos herself and they are really wonderful. Oh and that wig is just amazing!!

Megara (aka Meg) is from Disney’s 1997 animated feature film, Hercules. A snarky “femme fetale”, Meg once served as a reluctant minion of Hades, to whom she was indebted. Having endured a troubled past, Meg developed a cynical disposition, her only goal being to rescind her bind and live a life of solitude. Her outlook would slowly start to change upon meeting Hercules, whose genuine innocence would prove there was still good in the world. (via: The Disney Wiki)

Megara. My friends call me Meg. At least, they would if I had any friends.” -Megara

Megara Cosplay From Disney Hercules
Megara Cosplay From Disney Hercules
Megara Cosplay From Disney Hercules

Megara Cosplay From Disney Hercules
Megara Cosplay From Disney Hercules

And here are a couple cosplay vs. character shots:

Megara Cosplay From Disney Hercules

Cosplayer/Photographer: Hannah Éva Cosplay

(via: Geek Girls)

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