Artist Johan Egerkrans drew these dark and beautiful art series of Norse Gods and Goddesses. Here’s a bio about the artist from his website (which you can purchase prints on):
“Johan Egerkrans is a critically acclaimed Swedish illustrator and author. Drawing and doodling has always been part his life – at age two he picked up a pencil and haven’t quite been able to put it down ever since.
Johan has worked as a professional illustrator and concept artist for more than two decades, producing artwork for books, games, comics and films. In recent years he’s picked up writing as well, and has written and illustrated a number of hugely popular books including: Vaesen about scandinavian folkloric creatures, Norse Gods about, not surprisingly, the Norse gods and The Undead, which sinks its teeth into the lore of vampires and revenants from across the Globe. Vaesen has also been turned into a much lauded roleplaying game published by Free League Publishing.
He’s also obsessed with paleontology and has to date made four books delving into the natural history of dinosaurs, pterosaurs and other extinct critters.
In addition, Johan has worked on covers and illustrations for a number of internationally acclaimed authors such as J.R.R Tolkien, Astrid Lindgren and Isaac Bashevis Singer.”

Norse Gods Art by: Johan Egerkrans – Website
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