One Wish From a Genie Writing Prompt

This is an awesome writing prompt response written by flavoracle about a genie that offers you one wish. This is obviously from a few years back in 2017, but you could imagine it for this year if you wanted! Anyway, it’s a classic misunderstood wish scenario, but the consequences aren’t completely dire:

One Wish From a Genie Writing Prompt

One Wish From a Genie Writing Prompt

Source: Flavoracle

7 thoughts on “One Wish From a Genie Writing Prompt

    1. Definitely. In a single year, you will have lived through 366 years.

      Don’t see how any relationship could survive that, tbh.
      Sure, for the first 100 years you might entertain yourself with learning interesting things, but after then? Ugh.

      You could become a one-person manufacturing wiz. Say, learn boatbuilding, and turn out one boat a day.

      1. With that much free time you could def. turn the world upside down. One day you clear fifty tonnes of mines from west Africa. Next you burn all the coca fields in Nicaragua. And on Thursday you go and dump all the plastic from Rhine and its wetlands into Nestle’s offices.

          1. Erm, coca – the plant that is used to make Cocaine.

            Were you confusing it with Cocoa, the plant used for chocolate?

  1. So you basically get 365 years (one for each day) for each year of life. Unless of course you travel along with the setting sun getting up to 24 20:17 each normal day due to being in the different time zones. That means you could ideally do 8760 years worth of work for each normal year. Now if you were only 25 at the time and lived to be 75, then you could do 438,000 years worth of work in one typical lifetime. To make it easier for yourself, you could build a home at the South Pole so you could more easily travel to the different time zones by just stepping a few feet over. That would be the most efficient way to get the most done. Hopefully you would be able to develop a high speed AI that appears sentient so you could have companionship in your sped up state. After all, you have 438,000 years to develop one.

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