2 thoughts on “Reasons Humans are the Cutest Animals

  1. 1. Yes, we slow down for and even hold our hands out to automatic doors. This isn’t an intimation of magic, but a realization that someone built that door, and they may just have built it wrong. Or it may be faulty or slow due to ordinary wear-and-tear, which companies are terrible as a rule at fixing. The sensor that triggers the opening might be slow to register us, in which case we may end up running into said door; so advance notice to the door helps. We don’t mind looking like an idiot for signalling the door, provided this keeps us from looking like the idiot who walked at full speed straight into a closed glass door.

    2. Anyone who thinks animals can’t understand us perfectly well, or appreciate our attempts to mimic their own way of speaking as a gesture of friendliness, seriously underestimates the intelligence of said animals. Animals know when you’re being friendly and polite, and when you’re being an a$$hat. And they respond accordingly. Happy pet, happy life. Unhappy pet, and… well, don’t say you weren’t warned. Particularly if that pet is a cat; they’re wonderfully inventive in the revenge department.

    3. I’ve known many animals, particularly dogs, that I’m sure would do the same if only they possessed a human-type larynx. They bark loudly, or else keep drawing your attention back to the TV, after they’ve seen something on it that they’ve liked.

    4. Missing your favourite pair of socks? Check the cat’s basket, if she likes you. Or her litter tray, if she doesn’t. We aren’t the only species that ‘borrows’ the garments of individuals we like or loathe; not by a very long stretch.

    5. Cats often keep a kill buried to enjoy later. Likely they didn’t learn this from us, but rather learned like us that sometimes your favourite food is even better when joined with your favourite leisure activity. And cats know all about the joy of leisure activities.

    6. So do cats. They can know what your favourite song is, and will come when it’s played because they believe that it means you’re there to cuddle or feed them.

    7. Animals in general prefer to sleep in groups, be they mice or men. Your cats will cuddle up next to each other if they can; as will your dogs, or your gerbils.

    8. I’ve had a cat suffer heatstroke because she was enjoying her sunbaking so much, she forgot she needed to rehydrate herself. Yeah; it’s not just us.

    9. Nothing funnier than the nonplussed look on a cat’s face when the sneeze has just up and died; or the disgusted, angry look when it spontaneously returns with no warning.

    10. I’ve watched a cat talking in its sleep; it’s adorable. And just as with a fellow human, you can’t help but wonder what they’re saying and whom they’re saying it to.

    11. Vocal cats will often teach more quiet cats to vocalize, simply by dint of being vocal in those other cats’ presence. The quiet cats will literally begin to mimic the vocal cat, often even down to the tone of their vocalizations.

    12. Cats don’t decorate themselves, though many other animals do. There are crabs called ‘dresser crabs’ because they will literally find things they think are pretty and will stick them all over their carapaces. Scientists believed this behaviour to be purely about camouflage, up until they saw these crabs doing it with drilled pearls taken from a necklace.

    13. We call that packrat behaviour for a reason: this is exactly what some rats like to do. They’ll build collections of interesting things solely for the purpose of decorating their lairs, even when these things clearly neither serve nor are used for any practical purpose.

    We humans aren’t so special as we’d like to tell ourselves. And if more of us realized it, there would be a lot more appreciation for the natural world and a lot less human-derived cruelty towards animals.

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