This sexist movie pitch comic is painfully familiar. Thankfully, stupid sexist tropes like this in Hollywood movies are getting less used with time. But we still have a long way to go. Robot Hugs drew this comic about one of the most annoying ones and here’s a few words from them about this comic: “Yeah, I might have watched a movie and gotten kind of mad. This is seriously a trope I’d love to never see again though.”
And here’s a few words about the comic in general: “Robot Hugs is about a lot of things, but you can expect to see a lot of cats, a bunch of identity, gender, and sexuality discussions, and explorations of depression and mental illness, especially in the winter. Robot Hugs may include occasional cartoon depictions of nudity and discussion of sexuality – NSFW comics are generally labelled as such. You can also check me out on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook.”

Artist: Robot Hugs
The sad thing is, I’m not sure which movie this refers to. Too many choices.
I call this the Pratt Fall. It always happens in movies with Chris Pratt as the hero.